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Is it time to review staff policies on covering whistleblowers, using anonymous sources?

Posted by on Nov 1, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments


by Susan McNulty, CJE The Stampede and The Hoofbeat adviser J.W. Mitchell High School, Trinity, Florida

On July 25, U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky talked by phone, and this call set off what is now an impeachment investigation into the U.S president by Congress.

An anonymous whistleblower filed a complaint with the intelligence inspector general Aug. 12, alleging Trump betrayed his oath of office.

Regardless of which side of the political aisle students stand, this historical moment calls for school journalism programs to revisit their staff manuals and review policies on coverage of whistleblowers and use of anonymous sources.

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Shared anecdotes can help New Voices legislation

Posted by on Oct 22, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

Students Jackeline Loya Gomez, Haley Stack and Neha Madhira share their short, intermediate and long-term plans for the Texas student free speech legislation with an adviser and students from Pennsylvania during the New Voices Training Institute Oct. 13. Steve Listopad (holding the flip chart), instrumental in such legislation in North Dakota, serves as a mentor. (photo by Michael Simons)    

by Candace Bowen, MJE

Just how bad is the censorship that goes on in today’s student media? Could it be, as one administrator said – and perhaps more have thought –, advisers just making mountains out of mole hills?

And what about self-censorship? One principal said, with perfect confidence, “How can you blame us if students assume we won’t let them print a story when they don’t even try?”

Think about that for a minute or two . . .  Isn’t that the whole problem?

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We must trust students’ final decisions of content and not take final approval away from them

Posted by on Oct 17, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

As advisers we must advise. We question, we discuss, we coach, we cheer. We draw from our experiences and perspectives to shed light on viewpoints young journalists may not have considered.  We establish protocols based on best practices, but we also must trust.

by Lindsay Coppens The Harbinger AdviserAlgonquin Regional High School, Northborough, Mass.

Do students have complete autonomy and scholastic press rights if advisers approve of or even have the expectation to read all content before publication? I say no.

Although I see the potential educational merits of advisers reading content before it is published in order to promote deep discussions about journalistic practice and ethics, I’ve grown to believe it’s best for student autonomy if advisers do not approve all copy.

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Upgrade in Virginia policy downgrades student free expression

Posted by on Oct 6, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments


by John Bowen, MJE

High school journalists in Virginia’s Frederick County recently had their student publications policies upgraded by the school board, the Student Press Law Center reported. 

Student journalists say they don’t think much of the changes.

“The newspaper was already censored multiple times last year, and the staff has dwindled from about 30 students a year ago to just 10 this fall,” co-editor Christian Hellwig told the SPLC reporter.

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Latest podcast focuses on hate speech and student media

Posted by on Oct 4, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments


by Kristin Taylor

Tripp Robbins just hosted the latest episode of Conversations at the Schoolhouse Gate (if you have subscribed to it, you already know this!).

I recommend checking it out. You can listen directly from your laptop at the podcast website or subscribe via Apple podcasts or Stitcher to download it to your phone. It’s a valuable conversation between Tripp and SPLC lawyer Mike Hiestand.

Here are the show notes.
Episode 7: Hate speech as free speech — some thoughts for student media

After giving some background about the the term “hate speech” and its legal status, Menlo School journalism adviser Tripp Robbins interviews Student Press Law Center lawyer Mike Hiestand about hate speech, the First Amendment and student media.

While offensive speech is protected by the First Amendment, Hiestand clarifies some situations where it might cross over into an unprotected speech category, such as “fighting words,” and reminds student editors that some decisions are ethical rather than legal.

If you are a student or a student media adviser with thoughts on this episode, we want to hear from you. You can reach us at with the subject line “Podcast” or tweet us at @jeapressrights. So you don’t miss out on future episodes, please subscribe to this podcast through any of the many podcast applications available for your computer or phone.

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