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Puzzle 2 key

Posted by on Sep 16, 2023 in Blog | Comments Off on Puzzle 2 key


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Puzzle 2

Posted by on Sep 16, 2023 in Blog | Comments Off on Puzzle 2


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Puzzle 1

Posted by on Sep 16, 2023 in Blog | Comments Off on Puzzle 1


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Posted by on Aug 23, 2023 in Blog, Law and Ethics, Mission, Policy, Teaching | Comments Off on Questions


Does the start of a new school year always lead to rolling out new procedures, ideas or policies?Should it?

By John Bowen, MJE

Maybe, for instance, a new staff and school year might be an excellent time to revisit publication Mission Statements, Editorial Policy, your Ethical Guidelines and the procedures to carry out quality student media leadership made possible by journalistic responsibility? 

Focus on an important news story reported as school starts.

Banning many things or ideas in schools is not new. Banning cell phones during the school day has a long and varied history of differing positions: 
• Cell phones disrupted the school day.

• Cell phones encouraged cheating.
• Cell phones changed opinions when communities learned they could be useful.
• Cell phones could better alert parents if violence occurred at school.
• Cell phones, and their offspring, Smartphones, enabled students to cheat, to disrupt and to steal, but in newer ways.

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World Press Day: Its freedoms ‘carry responsibility’ for us all

Posted by on May 3, 2023 in Blog | Comments Off on World Press Day: Its freedoms ‘carry responsibility’ for us all


by John Bowen, MJE

May 3 is World Press Freedom Day. A day to celebrate press freedom.

On her Facebook post May 3, colleague Barb Hipsman Springer wrote, “as journalism goes, so goes democracy. Remember that freedoms carry responsibility for you, too.”

Noble words and commitments. Such statements often receive forceful agreement. Cheers and applause. A raised fist. All warranted, but maybe not enough.

April 29, Plain Dealer editor Chris Quinn, in a letter from the editor, raised another idea, one he said might seem out of place, especially to journalists.

The letter from the editor can be found here.

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