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Bill of Rights Day, Dec. 15

Posted by on Dec 7, 2016 in Blog, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments



Dec.15, 2016, is Bill of Rights Day and a good time to deepen students’ knowledge about intricacies of our government as seen through the first ten amendments.

Such discussions would also be timely and relevant given the political events of an election year and the  change associated with a new presidency.

In a 1941 proclamation, President Franklin D. Roosevelt tapped the fifteenth day of December to be “a day of mobilization for freedom and for human rights, a day of remembrance of the democratic and peaceful action by which these rights were gained, a day of reassessment of their present meaning and their living worth.”

Here are links  to some of what is available:
• National Constitution Center, Bill of Rights Day
Has a section of educational resources and a great “Do-Now discussion question: “Not all the amendment James Madison proposed made it into the final Bill of Rights. Is there anything missing from the Bill of Rights you would have included?” 

• Bill of Rights Institute
With mission words of engage, educate and empower, the Institute provides information for students, teachers and supporters. The site features five lesson plans games and videos on Constitutional principles.

• Bill of Rights Day/United States Courts
This site offers resources for teachers, students and judges. The materials, reports the site, as meant to inform, involve and insire citizens to apapreciate and exercise the Bill of Rights.

• US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Bill of Rights Day
Provides materials available for immigrants tolearn about and prepare for the naturalization process. Good to see if your students could pass the naturalization test.

• 15 facts about the Bill of Rights
Interesting background information for further discussion and use.

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Signing on as FAPFA candidate makes powerful symbolic statement

Posted by on Nov 23, 2016 in Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 2 comments


Confession: For the past 10 days, I’ve spent a good chunk of time glued to media coverage of President-elect Trump, reading about his meetings with prospective leaders and reports of cabinet appointments, cries against Hamilton and SNL on Twitter and updates about the on-again, off-again New York Times meeting.

My nervousness mounts as we transition to a new president known for his attacks on news organizations, for bullying those who ask tough questions, for threats to “open up” libel laws, for ugly rants against those who hold steady to report on the record the actions of our leaders.

And while I’ve made sure to read, donate, sign petitions and facilitate respectful dialogue, I’ve also spent the past 10 days thinking about my journalism students. What can I do? What can we do? What can they do?

As is often the case, the greatest potential for impact is within the classroom. It’s clear to me that my own students’ efforts practicing, protecting and promoting their First Amendment rights matter more than ever.

Next week, Dec. 1, 2016, is the deadline for JEA’s First Amendment Press Freedom Award. I’m glad my students will apply, and here are three reasons I urge other scholastic media programs to do the same:

[1] The FAPFA process provides an important opportunity for students to revisit the core principles of their journalism program as they tell the stories of their school community through truthful and accurate reporting using a wide range of diverse, credible sources. The editors know their publication policies inside and out, but do the other staff members? Would every student on staff be able to answer the FAPFA questions accurately? Perhaps this an opportunity for editors to conduct a mini-lesson to educate or review with rookies some “What happens if …” scenarios.

[2] The possibility of recognition as a First Amendment school is another way to increase awareness in the school and throughout the community. Even if school administrators are supportive of students’ free expression rights both in theory and in practice, it’s likely there are community members who are less aware of what it means for students to make all content decisions free of administrative censorship. It’s another chance to spread the word about what the First Amendment means and why it matters.

Remember, 39 percent of Americans could not name even one of the five freedoms.

Can FAPFA recognition serve to make all stakeholders better understand the educational significance of providing students with an outlet for free expression and the long-term benefits of empowering students with the responsibility of the decision-making process?

Celebrating a school’s First Amendment Press Freedom Award recognition can play a role in the case for scholastic media curriculum development and the long game in protecting both First Amendment education and scholastic journalism specifically.

[3] Signing on as a FAPFA candidate makes a powerful symbolic statement at a crucial time.

My own students have protection from California Ed Code 48907, but they’ll still be using the opportunity JEA’s First Amendment Press Freedom Award provides. In other words, they’ll apply for the award because they can. It’s a chance to speak up and speak out for why that freedom of expression matters so much, and a chance to draw attention to states where students don’t have that right.

Discussing the questions on the first-round FAPFA form reminds students that not every student media program is lucky enough to operate in a student-led environment with journalists empowered by the critical thinking experience of their decision-making process. It puts things in perspective. It emboldens them to use the tools at their disposal, creatively and positively, to fight the good fight. It draws attention to the injustice in schools and states with administrative censorship and helps increase efforts toward press rights legislation.

Editors can proudly share their efforts in attempt to leverage that social currency and widen the scope of attention for First Amendment freedoms just when the New Voices movement — and new White House administration — need it most.


by Sarah Nichols, MJE

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Worthy of your attention

Posted by on Nov 15, 2016 in Blog, Law and Ethics, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


The following links could be sparks for coverage by student media, newsvalues for class discussion in your communities and/or journalism lessons.

Check out this Society of Professional Journalists’ resolutions:
In support of enhanced protections for student journalists
• First Amendment Press Freedom Award deadline for school  recognition coming up Dec. 1. This is Round 1 qualification to be eligible for Round 2.
• Southern Poverty Law Center requests reports of hate speech or actions aimed at racial harassment. The SPLC also says to first report these to local law enforcement.
SPJ 2017 school essay contest on “Why is it important for a democratic society to have women involved in professional media and legal roles? What can be done to reverse the dearth of females in these professions?”


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Lori Keekley, in Dow Jones speech,
promotes SPRC services

Posted by on Nov 12, 2016 in Blog, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


by Lori Keekley
Thanks to all of you who were at Nov. 12’s Dow Jones Newsfund’s Journalism Teacher of the Year speech. Here are the links I promised. If you weren’t there, these are great reminders of several important items available from the SPRC:

• SPRC members are reintroducing the Making a Difference campaign. This monthly posting will highlight students who have made a difference through their coverage. When your students create content that has a positive impact on your school or community, please fill out the submission form and we’ll tell you how to send your content. JEA Scholastic Press Rights Committee will post one or more packages a month on its website and promote them on social media.

• Also, for those of you who are interested in starting a conversation with administrators, we’ve provided some information from both SPRC and JEA: Teacher’s Kit for Curing Hazelwood, JEA Advisers Code of Ethics, Talking Points to use with Administrators. Another great resource (in addition to everything from SPLC) is the Principal’s Guide to Scholastic Journalism.

• And … applications are available for JEA’s First Amendment Press Freedom Award. In its 17th year, the award recognizes high schools that actively support, teach and protect First Amendment rights and responsibilities of students and teachers. The recognition focuses on student-run media where students make all final decisions of content without prior review. The award comes in two steps, with Round 1 due before Dec. 1. The entry form and entry information can be obtained here.

• We’re happy to help via SPRC’s Panic Button if needed. We are here for you!

Thank you, and please let me know how I can further help you.


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‘Rope. Tree. Journalist’ T-shirt message
shakes teacher to her core

Posted by on Nov 8, 2016 in Blog, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


by Michelle Turner, 2016 National Broadcast Teacher of the Year
Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some Assembly Required.

The recent viral photo of a man in Minnesota donning such a T-shirt was yet another moment in 2016 that my jaw went wide open and I had to pick it off the proverbial floor.

I do not know exactly when Americans made the leap from respecting Journalists and the Fourth Estate to calling for their deaths, but this type of message shakes me to the core of my being.

It never occurred to me that one day I would fear for my former students’ lives who are now in the profession I helped train them for. This is a profession protected by the First Amendment, right? It was so valued by our founding fathers, they made sure it was included in the governmental process. I thought that, as reporters, my former students would be respected and not viewed as an evil that must be eliminated.

It didn’t ever really enter my mind that I would one day have young student journalists more focused towards a “safer” Public Relations career. Can I blame them? They are apprehensive, even fearful, to enter the Journalism profession when people proudly wear shirts calling for a good old-fashioned lynching of journalists.

Regardless of this current state of affairs, I believe in Journalists and I believe in Journalism. I believe in the Fourth Estate. I believe in America.

Furthermore, I believe that ultimately kindness can outweigh hatred.

Yes, the First Amendment protects Americans and gives them the “right” to wear such a sentiment on their backs, but I would hope what is in our hearts is kinder than that.

It’s my hope that my beliefs will spread, and one day the printing and wearing of such shirts may become just a distant memory in historical text.

For links to more information and reporting on the T-shirt issue:
‘Rope. Tree. Journalists’: Photo of t-shirt worn at Trump rally goes viral
Shirt suggesting lynching of journalists spotted at MSP Trump rally
Curt Schilling thinks shirt threatening to lynch journalists is ‘awesome’
• Those horrible ‘Rope. Tree. Journalist.’ shirts take on a whole new meaning in Trump’s America

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