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Transparency needs to be crystal clear
– at all levels

Posted by on Apr 1, 2015 in Blog, Legal issues, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


sprclogoby Stan Zoller
In an effort to enhance transparency and public access to some records, legislators in two states are sending a message to some schools – show us your privates.

Sort of.

Bills are pending in the Texas and Illinois state houses would require police departments or campus safety departments at private colleges and universities to comply with the Freedom of Information Act in those states.

According to the Student Press Law Center, the bill pending in Texas “…would clarify that a private college’s police department is a “governmental body with respect to information relating to law enforcement activities,” eliminating its ability to withhold some law enforcement records from the public.”

The Illinois bill carries essentially the same language. The SPLC reports the Illinois bill is actually “A proposed amendment to the Private College Campus Police Act would require campus police departments at private universities… to publicly disclose any information that other law enforcement agencies are required to provide under the state’s Freedom of Information Act.”

[pullquote]Both bills represent an effort in two states to ensure that information regarding public safety is not masked by a private school. What lies ahead depends on what lawmakers in both states do with their respective bills.[/pullquote]

So why are these bills important to scholastic journalism teachers and their student journalists?

Because both bills represent an effort in two states to ensure that information regarding public safety is not masked by a private school. What lies ahead depends on what lawmakers in both states do with their respective bills.

Hopefully both bills will pass and the public, not to mention lawmakers will realize an informed citizenry can make solid decisions based on well balanced media reports.

Transparency and access to public records is not college thing, nor is it just for the professional press. Scholastic journalists have the same rights to accessing public records and should be able to do so without fear of repercussion from teachers, department chairs or administrators.

Information available through the FOIA is public and Journalism educators should encourage their students to use their state’s FOIA to ensure that they have solid background information about public matters – whether it is an action by a school board, or transaction by a school district.

Journalism educators need to be well versed in their state’s FOIA so they can, obviously, advise their students on not only what is available via the FOIA, but the process involved in accessing public information.

Information obtained from the FOIA can be enlightening. Media teachers and advisers need to carefully work with their students about how information will be used. Some information, especially from police reports, can be detailed and appear sensitive.

Some administrators will claim it’s “personal information and you can’t use that.”

Hardly. It’s public information and yes, it can be used.

As previously noted, however, it may need to be used judiciously. If so, it’s imperative  the reporter and media clearly note that the information was obtained by using the FOIA. No matter if information used in a media report or not, it does provide student journalists with outstanding background information. Obviously, it’s an excellent example of a direct source that adds depth to a story.

While administrators may decry its use, what that can’t decry is that a student journalist has done his or her homework and is practicing quintessential transparency.

And if they can’t accept transparency, they shouldn’t be an administrator.

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Think carefully before publishing April Fools’ Day content

Posted by on Mar 30, 2015 in Blog, Ethical Issues, Legal issues, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching, Uncategorized | 0 comments


By Megan Fromm, CJE
JEA Educational Initiatives Director

Let’s get straight to the punch line here: April Fools’ Day editions are a bad idea. Why? Well, the Student Press Law Center’s Frank LoMonte provides solid evidence that many joke publications are never received quite as they are intended.

Instead, student editors and advisers often find themselves defending poorly worded jokes or misinterpreted parodies. When all you have to lose is your credibility as a media outlet, the stakes are too high to take this risk.

Still, many student media staffs love the idea of using satire and parody to break the mold, lighten things up or engage their audience on a different level. So, if your students insist on producing April Fools’ Day content, take some steps to demonstrate best ethical and legal practices along the way. Here are some ideas to consider:

  1. Is the content produced clearly labeled as satire/humor/parody? If a reasonable person could mistake the content for actual news, you’re asking for trouble.
  2. Stay away from comedy or jokes that use violence as a theme. In today’s school climate of zero tolerance, even an obvious joke that includes violence could be grounds to punish a student. As LoMonte writes, “there’s no such thing as a ‘hilarious’ rape joke.”
  3. Consider the message you’re sending readers by publishing April Fools’ Day content. Is your entire publication dedicated to the day, or just a (well-labeled) page? Have you shirked your journalistic responsibility while trying so hard to develop comedic content? Is this really what scholastic journalism is about?
  4. Does your staff thoroughly understand libel law and the implications of defamation?
  5. Finally, encourage student editors to answer simply and honestly whether an April Fools’ Day edition is the hill they want to fight (and potentially die) on. In other words, with all the other battles facing student journalists, do they want to spend their time and effort defending this particular decision?

April Fools’ Day editions are notoriously bad news. In fact, SPLC attorney Mike Hiestand commented in 2006 that there is “a reason why April 2 is often the busiest day of the year for us at the Student Press Law Center.”

So, proceed with caution. Because if you don’t, chances are the joke’s on you.


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Students report on shattered dreams

Posted by on Mar 25, 2015 in Blog, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching, Uncategorized | 0 comments


MAKING A DIFFERENCE: Part of a monthly series

sprclogoAt this time of year, students look forward to many end of year and end of high school events like prom and graduation parties. The AHS Talon at Atascocita High School in Humble, Texas, did expansive coverage of a school-wide conversation about the impact of drunken driving.

Adviser Monica Rhor said, “Our online package examining the impact of reckless driving expanded a school-wide conversation that began with a “Shattered Dreams” event. The stories included daily reports from the day of “Shattered Dreams,” which showed the immediate impact of the program, and a more in-depth series that showed real life consequences. The “Danger Behind the Wheel” series, which included interviews with the families and friends of people killed and injured by drunk drivers, helped students see beyond the numbers and the staged event and recognize the real human cost of drunk driving.”

The real to life experiences of the “Shattered Dreams” event hit home three days after the event when an Atascocita High School graduate was killed by a driver who police allege was drunk.

Their stories can be found at this link:

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Thinking of reporting sex-related issues?
Some thoughts on handling controversy

Posted by on Mar 20, 2015 in Blog, Ethical Issues, Legal issues, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


sprclogoAt least two schools this winter have had issues with reporting about sex. Newbury Park High, California, and Rochester, Michigan, experienced complaints not only about the content but about images used in their coverage.

An SPLC article published March 20 looks at both events and the resulting concerns, and is worth your reading. The article also contains important links to additional information.

Update: Since this blog was posted a little over an hour ago, add one more controversial reporting incident at Fauquier High School in Virginia.

For additional information about handling controversy, see:
Reporting controversy requires establish a sound process
A high school news advisers’ preemptive trouble-shooting guide
Use anonymous sources with care
• Verification before publication prevents many issues
• Practice sensitivity in your reporting

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Websites should post policies, procedures, too

Posted by on Mar 17, 2015 in Blog, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


sprclogoby Candace Bowen
Including a mission statement and other policy points on the newspaper’s editorial page or inside a newsmag front cover is pretty standard, but where does that info go on a website? From recent experience judging state competitions, it seems some staffs really aren’t sure.

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Check out our new Press Rights Minutes

Posted by on Mar 16, 2015 in Blog, Ethical Issues, Legal issues, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


Screen Shot 2015-03-14 at 7.17.51 PMJEA’s Scholastic Press Rights Committee just added 10 new Press Rights Minutes, bringing the total to 30 available for class and activity use.

Plans are to add more in the immediate future.

Content includes 60 second audio clips on  ethics and legal issues, including new pieces on handling sponsored content, creating balance and objectivity, using unnamed sources, developing board media policies and covering death.

For a complete list of clips available, go here.

Clips are also be available each Monday by checking @jeapressrights.

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