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2017 Constitution Day lessons

Posted by on Aug 22, 2017 in Blog, Ethical Issues, Featured, Law and Ethics, Legal issues, Lessons, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


Constitution Day 2017 is approaching, and several members of the Scholastic Press Rights Committee have come together to provide you with materials to help your students understand their rights and responsibilities. These lessons provide particular focus on the First Amendment and the freedom of speech in general, but they would be appropriate and effective in any class that touches on issues related to history, the Constitution, citizenship or journalism.

Since Constitution Day (Sept. 17) is on a Sunday this year, we’d suggest celebrating on the following Monday. For a quick preview of this year’s lessons, feel free to watch this video. Links are also provided, below, to the new materials as well as lessons from previous years that might be particularly useful.

This year’s lessons:

First Amendment School Dialogue, by Jeff Kocur: Guide your students through a class-sized (or whole-school) dialogue about the five freedoms of the First Amendment. Students will identify and evaluate the impact of the First Amendment in their own lives and the lives of others.

The Importance of an Independent and Active Press, by Matthew Smith: Expose students to the many possible benefits of independent media in a democracy through quotes and video excerpts of world leaders espousing the necessity of a free press. Students will evaluate and discuss their own reaction to these arguments.

Introduction to News Literacy, by Kristin Taylor: The freedom of speech and of the press come with responsibilities, too, and this lesson provides materials for recognizing different types of news media and coverage. Students will examine the credibility of news sources as well as examine their own media habits in order to beef up their news diets and avoid “fake” news.

What’s in Your State Press Law?, by John Bowen and Lori Keekley: As New Voices laws spread across the country to protect student journalists, help your students understand what their state does or does not cover when it comes to student press rights. Students will examine their own law and create a dialogue with stakeholders about the benefits of protecting student publications.

Sharing Your State Law with Others, by John Bowen and Lori Keekley: State laws protecting student press rights mean nothing if students, administrators, school boards and others don’t know what they mean or how they impact the community. For this lesson, students will create an action plan for the various groups in their community about the state legislation.

Previous lessons:

Materials from previous years are obviously still available and relevant. The links, below, take you to the full list of lessons from each year, but we’ve also provided a quick suggestion of a lesson from that year that might work particularly well with the new batch we created.

2016 (Check out the lesson on exploring and discussing the gray area between political correctness and free speech.)

2015 (Check out the Constitution of the United States Crossword for a quick hit.)

2014 (Check out the lesson asking students to evaluate what to do when people ask them to remove content already published or posted in a student publication.)

2013 (Check out these materials forcing students to evaluate the ethical considerations involved when stories or information could be highly controversial or harmful.)

Feel free to send any feedback or questions to Matthew Smith ( or Jeff Kocur (

Constitution Day Committee

John Bowen, MJE, Kent State University (OH)

Lori Keekley, MJE, St. Louis Park High School (MN)

Jeff Kocur, CJE, Hopkins High School (MN)

Matthew Smith, CJE, Fond du Lac High School (WI)

Kristin Taylor, CJE, The Archer School for Girls (CA)


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Showcase principles of Constitution Day,
apply for this year’s FAPFA Awards

Posted by on Sep 17, 2016 in Blog, Law and Ethics, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


Constitution Day focused student journalists on power of free expression for scholastic media.

Your students can continue to recognize the  importance of First Amendment practices and policies – and be recognized for it – by applying for this year’s FAPFA award.

This First Amendment Press Freedom Award recognizes high schools that actively support, teach and protect First Amendment rights and responsibilities of students and teachers. The recognition focuses on student-run media where students make all final decisions of content without prior review.

Roughly, here’s a sample of what the judging committee looks for in determining FAPFA recipients:

  • No prior review or restraint by school faculty for all student media.
  • Student staffers make all final decisions of content for all student media.
  • Establish policies at all student media and school system levels or both as public forums for student expression.
  • Remove Internet filters for student journalism use
  • Students, advisers and administrators agree on First Amendment practices, philosophy and application across platforms.

As in previous years, schools compete for the title by first answering questionnaires submitted by an adviser and at least one editor. Those who advance to the next level will be asked to provide responses from the principal and all media advisers and student editors, indicating their support of the First Amendment. In addition, semifinalists submitted samples of their school and media online or printed policies that show student media applying their freedoms.

Schools recognized as meeting FAPFA criteria will be honored at the opening ceremony of the JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention in Seattle.

First round applications are due annually by Dec. 1. Downloadable applications for 2017 will be available on the JEA website in the fall.

Save this link and apply now. Even if your school received the recognition, you must re-apply yearly.

Meet the challenges raised by Constitution Day. Apply to be a FAPFA-recognized school.

This is the 17th year for the award.

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Introduction to 2016 Constitution Day materials … and more

Posted by on Sep 5, 2016 in Blog, Hazelwood, Law and Ethics, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


Constitution Day lessons, activities and related materials


In preparation for Constitution Day 2016, several members of the Scholastic Press Rights Committee (SPRC), a committee of the Journalism Education Association, created lesson plans specific for the event.

We suggest celebrating Sept. 16 since the official Constitution Day is Saturday this year.

We created these lessons to help celebrate the Constitution and Bill of Rights, as mandated by Congress. Legislation requires schools to offer lessons on the Constitution and how it affects all Americans. Our lesson plans emphasize the First Amendment and particularly the freedoms of speech and the press.

[pullquote]Keep reading. There are more special offers at the end of the CD Day materials.[/pullquote]

Please contact me  if you have any questions or feedback about the lessons or how to implement them.

The SPRC works to provide information and resources on legal and ethical issues to journalism students, teachers and administrators. SPRC members also work to promote the First Amendment rights of students across the nation.


Students will examine the gray area between political correctness and free speech through peer discussion and real-world examples. Students will explore several topics in small groups followed by a large-group discussion. By Matt Smith

Since media organizations have moved to online formats, they have struggled with the practice of hosting online comments next to their content. Many news organizations require posters to meet specific standards, moderate the comments, and reserve the right to remove or delete comments and users. Some organizations even require each post be approved by a human before it can be live on their sites. More recently, NPR is the latest news organization to completely remove comments from its news sites. Students will explore the question whether the ability to comment on news stories creates a more or less informed culture. By Jeff Kocur

Students will design ethical guidelines they can use this fall and in later coverage (reporting and viewpoint) of elections, candidates and issues. They will examine the comprehensiveness election reporting and how students can go about building robust election coverage. The lesson also examines how students can apply ethical principles to this coverage. By John Bowen

Sometimes politicians misconstrue facts during debates and political ads. This lesson examines the “truthiness” of the ads running currently. Students will analyze one from the Democratic and one from the Republican party. Students could look at a TV ad, online ad or print ad. By Lori Keekley

To see past years’ lessons, go here. Also has links to previous years.

Please send any feedback to I’d love to hear from you!

Lori Keekley

For JEA’s Scholastic Press Rights Committee and the Constitution Day Committee

Constitution Day Committee

John Bowen, MJE, Kent State University (OH)

Lori Keekley, MJE, St. Louis Park High School (MN)

Jeff Kocur, CJE, Hopkins High School (MN)

Matt Smith, Fond du Lac (WI)

And we’re not done yet.

Additionally, we are reintroducing the Making a Difference Campaign.

This campaign will highlight at least one piece of student work each month to help illustrate how students can make a difference through their coverage.

The first Making a Difference in 1988 showed how students reported the impact of the Hazelwood decision.

The first Making a Difference in 1988 showed how students reported the impact of the Hazelwood decision.

These are examples of student media that had an impact on the community or school where they were produced. They can be print, digital, video or audio.

On Constitution Day, we’ll release the link to the submission form and explain the process.

SPRC members will select student work that made a difference, post it on and promote it on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Let others see the work you have created. When you have something to contribute, please send it to us!

Wait, Wait. There’s more…

• Because two states, Illinois and Maryland, passed legislation over the summer and others are poised to do the same, the SPRC created a packet for helping communities of all kinds understand the importance of that legislation. The Student Free Expression Package will be released later in the week, but some of  its main points are outlined below:

Contents for this package:

  • Importance of state legislation: Although many educators and advocates think of the First Amendment (and the court decisions interpreting it) as the most important tool for interpreting student press rights, there is another equally important source of law: state statutes.
  • Why protecting student free expression is important: Students and advisers in states with recent freedom of expression legislation may want to inform their communities of educational rationale for the legislation. Additionally, those states working to pass such legislation might want to use the same points to gain support
  • Talking Points: With legislation giving students decision-making power over their student media comes questions about roles, purpose and standards. If the school cannot make content decisions who is responsible? What is the role of the adviser? Of students? If the adviser cannot control content, what guidelines will students follow and why?
  • Tips for engaging communities: With new legislation, or attempts to pass it, comes the need for ways to engage those who would support it. The ways can run from concept to concrete and can be delivered in many approaches with details determined locally.
  • Legislation terminology: A compilation of important terminology so everyone can better understand the language and issues surrounding student free expression language.
  • What to do if school officials threaten censorship: Even though state legislation can provide protection, sometimes others do not understand that and need further education. Use a friendly and informative approach and help them understand. Here are some steps we recommend.
  • Sample press release on state legislation: Another option for letting your various communities know about the benefits of free expression legislation is to create a press release to media, civic groups, school board and others.
  • Resources on state legislation: Links to additional information and contacts

And, as a special bonus…

• An important part of JEA’s supports for free expression rights for student journalists is the First Amendment Press Freedom Award.

In its 17th year, the award recognizes high schools that actively support, teach and protect First Amendment rights and responsibilities of students and teachers. FAPFA-2012The recognition focuses on student-run media where students make all final decisions of content without prior review.

The award comes in two steps, with Round 1 due before Dec. 1. The entry form and entry information can be obtained here.






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Celebrating Constitution Day

Posted by on Aug 31, 2015 in Blog, Law and Ethics, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments



Celebrating Constitution Day at your school.


Host a school-wide Constitution Day at school by combining the efforts of the social studies, English and journalism teachers.

• Students will learn more about the Constitution
• Students will explore how the Constitution fits with their daily lives
• Students will revisit the rights guaranteed by the Amendments.

Common Core State Standards

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary describing political, social, or economic aspects of history/social science.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.

One day

Materials / resources

Prior to the celebration:
Students should make banners that say Happy Constitution Day!” and hang them at entrances

Secure donations for prizes from local businesses.

Photocopy the card students will receive as they arrive

Submit the announcement to be read at the beginning of the day .

Have students create shirts, which read, “Happy Constitution Day!”

Get candy or other treats for students to pass out when people get the answer correct

Butcher paper

Crossword puzzle, “U.S. Constitution”

List of questions for students

Happy Constitution Day! We are celebrating Constitution Day today, Sept. 17 and we can’t wait for you to celebrate it with us. In addition to the quiz you received on your way into school today, you will be able to participate during lunch and in at least one of your classes. In addition, please look at the posters in the hall concerning how you could win a LOCAL BUSINESS gift card. You’ll also see several students with special T-shirts. If you answer their question correctly, you just might get a prize.

Photocopy the following:

Quiz for students entering school (delete answers prior to distribution)

Name _________________________

X hour teacher ________________

  1. In what year was the Constitution ratified? (1788)
  2. Name two of the signers of the Constitution. (many, see link)
  3. How many Amendments are in the Bill of Rights? (10)
  4. What is the subject of the first article of the Constitution? (Legislative branch)
  5. Name one right guaranteed in the First Amendment. (religion, speech, press, assembly, petition)

Rules: We will randomly select the winner. The first quiz selected with all correct answers wins a LOCAL BUSINESS gift card.

Back: Info about photo scavenger hunt (see below).

Text for posters/Photo Scavenger Hunt

“Want a free burrito?”

Find examples of the Constitution in action and you might just get one. When you find an example, take a photo, write a caption and post to Twitter or Instagram using #YOURSCHOOLIDHEREcd2015. If you don’t have either a Twitter or Instagram, email your entry to YOUR MEDIA EMAIL HERE. Entries must be submitted by (SET TIME IN AFTERNOON) today to be eligible for the drawing. Two winners will be chosen randomly from all the entrants.

During Constitution Day:
• When students arrive:

Media students should hand out the information with the quiz on one side and the photo scavenger hunt on the other side

• Students who are wearing Constitution Day shirts:

Prior to the beginning of the day, distribute the list of questions and answers. When students approach the media students wearing the shirts, they should ask them one of the questions on the list. If the student answers correctly, they get a prize.

Questions (and answers):

  1. What three words begin the Preamble? (We the people)
  2. What three branches of governmental powers are outlined in the Constitution? (Legislative, Executive, Judicial)
  3. How many Amendments are there to the Constitution? (27)
  4. What Amendment guarantees freedom of speech? (First)
  5. What Amendment guarantees freedom of press? (First)
  6. What Amendment guarantees freedom of assembly? (First)
  7. What Amendment guarantees freedom of religion? (First)
  8. What Amendment guarantees freedom of petition? (First)
  9. What Amendment protects against unreasonable search and seizure? (Fourth)
  10. What Amendment abolished slavery? (13)
  11. How old must you be to vote? (18)
  12. Do you have to be a natural-born citizen to vote? (no)
  13. What are the first 10 Amendments called? (Bill of Rights)
  14. Where was the first Constitutional Convention? (Philadelphia)
  15. Was the Equal Rights Amendment ratified? (no)
  16. What year was the Constitution ratified? 1788, 1888 or 1988 (1788)
  17. Did the Constitution go into effect before or after the French Revolution? (before)
  18. True or false: You have to be legally an adult for the Constitution or its Amendments to apply to you. (false)

Lunch activities

  1. Hang five sheets labeled with each of the five freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment. Ask students to write down one of their  favorite things about Constitution. You could give candy or some other treat to encourage participation.
  2. Calligraphy station —  Ask for a community volunteer to run it.
  3. Crossword puzzle — See resources

• English class activity options

Activity 1: Constitution content

Step 1 — 15 minutes

Teachers should ask students to get in groups of four. After this is done, project the following:

You find yourself stranded on an island with 15,000 people. The island has a semi-functioning society with most modern conveniences, but no way off. No electronic devices have coverage and there’s no 3D printer or boat manufacturer. A small group of four people have been tasked with creating a document to outline a basic government and the people’s rights. You have 10 minutes to do this. What would you include? Time starts now.

Step 2 — 5 minutes

Pass out copies of the Constitution. Ask students to highlight similarities in what they created and what was created years ago.

Step 3 — 5 minutes

Ask students to share their similarities and differences. Teacher (or another student) could make a list of these on the board.

Step 4 — 10 minutes

Ask students how the Constitution is still relevant today.

Activity 2:

What do all the Amendments mean?

Teacher preparation

Copy the Constitutional amendments and cut them into strips.

Also, have blank paper available for students

Step 1 — 5 minutes

Ask students to partner with another person in class. Then, ask students to randomly select one of the strips of paper.

Step 2 — 20 minutes

First, students should look up any work they don’t already know.

Then they should write the amendment using their own words.

Look up words you don’t know

Put the amendment in your own words

Provide an example

Make a poster (using the blank paper) the has the amendment in the students’ own words and example.

(Teacher could post these inside or outside the classroom.)

Step 3 — 10 minutes

Students should present their poster to the class.

Social Studies classes:


Prior to class:

Make a copy of the list below. Additionally, cut the clues into strips.

Step 1 — 5 minutes

Divide class into three teams. Each team sends one member to the front to draw a picture of the word or phrase. Each member of each team participates in turn. Drawers cannot speak, spell or use numbers. All three teams use the same word and act at the same time. The team to guess the word or phrase first wins one point.

The right to bear arms

Search warrant

Freedom of speech

The right to an attorney

Voting age of 18

All persons born in the US are citizens of the U.S.

Congress makes the laws

The President is the Commander-in-Chief

The President can veto a law.

The right to have witnesses testify for you in court.

The right to face your accuser and/or question witnesses against you.

The right to assemble peacefully

No cruel and unusual punishment

Slavery is forbidden.

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

The right to petition the government

The Supreme Court can decide if laws are constitutional (“judicial review”)

Freedom of the press.

The president appoints judges.

The Constitution can be amended.

States have some powers reserved for them.

Freedom of religion

The right to trial by jury

Government cannot discriminate based on race (“equal protection of the law”)

Each state has 2 senators.

The federal government makes money (the states cannot make money)

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Constitution Day 2012 lessons

Posted by on Aug 22, 2012 in Blog, Law and Ethics, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


Constitution Day Lesson Plans for Sept. 17, 2012

The Scholastic Press Rights Commission works to provide information and resources on legal and ethical issues to journalism students, teachers and administrators. SPRC members also work to promote the First Amendment rights of students across the nation. It is a commission of the Journalism Education Association.

Our Constitution Day lesson plans provided here are designed to help students celebrate the Constitution and Bill of Rights, as mandated by Congress. Legislation requires schools to offer lessons on the Constitution and how it affects all Americans. Our lesson plans emphasize the First Amendment and particularly the freedoms of speech and the press. We’ve also included the applicable Common Core standards for most of the lessons.

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