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What are ethics?

Posted by on Aug 18, 2018 in Blog, Ethical Issues, Law and Ethics | 0 comments


Laws indicate what journalists must do, while ethics indicate what they should do.

Rooted in ethics, responsible and free journalism adheres to applicable laws and operates using professional standards to enhance student media’s reach and impact. Journalism, truly the cornerstone of democracy, starts at the scholastic media level, where students learn the legal and ethical implications of free media that make the United States unique among nations.


Guideline for staff manual

Student media should avoid mixing ethics guidelines with staff manual processes. While processes or procedures can include the verbs “will” and “must,” guidelines should be framed with “should” and “could.”


Why does our staff need ethics guidelines?

Journalism ethics at center stage, Principal’s Guide to Scholastic Journalism:

Student journalists make ethical decisions daily, whether in advertising, design, information gathering or reporting. Ethical decision-making is essential and ongoing. Keep in mind that ethics are only guidelines. They do not represent standards for punishment or discipline.

Media view very few topics as “taboo.” High school student media should be prepared for worst-case scenarios. Imagine the potential for growth and responsibility when students have journalistic conversations with informed, sincere and open-minded adults before the “taboo” happens.

Differences between law and ethics, Principal’s Guide to Scholastic Journalism:

A working knowledge of ethics can be helpful in reporting sensitive or controversial issues. A staff working its way through a list of questions to make ethical decisions solves problems before they occur. In the process, students generate valuable comments, discussions and considerations.


Student best practice

Develop an editorial policy outlining the legal and ethical responsibilities for student journalists. These resources provide context and/or offer potential models for policy development:

Foundations of Journalism: policies, ethics and staff manuals

SPRC model for ethical guidelines, process

JEA Adviser Code of Ethics

NSPA Model Code of Ethics

SPLC Model Guidelines for High School Student Media
SPJ Code of Ethics

Online ethical guidelines for student media

Yearbook ethics guidelines

Visual ethics


More SPRC materials:

Quick Tips: What should go into an editorial policy? What should not?

Editorial policies are the foundations for your journalism program. Often short, these statements address forum status, who makes final decisions of content and prior review.

Student media policy may be the most important decision you make

Students should understand while they can and should adopt best legal practices and ethical guidelines for their publication, the school district’s or school board’s media policy (if one exists) could impact the legal and ethical decisions of student editors.

Press Rights Minute: Ethics in Editing News Photos

Using Photoshop or other software to edit a news photo is unethical because it alters the truth.


Article: Obstacles and criticism can inspire, by Lindsay Coppens

Good, hard-hitting journalism can make people uncomfortable. It illuminates hardship, gives voice to the voiceless, questions the status quo, and encourages people to find solutions to problems. It can be challenging to secure important interviews for stories that pursue challenging topics. Those who agree to an interview may not want to answer all your questions. Editorials that question and challenge policy, procedures, and those in power may be accused of having a political agenda. However, if you adhere to strong journalistic procedure and ethics, these obstacles and criticisms can, in fact, help your journalism become even stronger.


Article: In plain view from public places

Photojournalists and free speech: What can and cannot be photographed continues to fall under question, bringing attention to photojournalists and igniting important First Amendment conversations. As part of other Free Speech Week lessons and activities, teachers may use this opportunity to incorporate key readings and discussion geared toward visual storytellers.


Article: A class activity to learn both law and ethics, by Candace Bowen

Not knowing the difference between law and ethics makes it difficult to teach these two concepts effectively. They are separate fields, though they do overlap in theory and practice, and plenty of journalistic situations require us to assess both legal and ethical components.


Article: Satire: easy to confuse when used out of context, by Tom Gayda

Is satire worth it? Maybe sometimes, but remember: most newspapers don’t include satire, so it is easy for a reader to get confused when what is a typical straightforward paper decides to enter the world of comedy. Perhaps a special publication for satire would be a better way to go.


Article: Lessons in transparency, by George, by Stan Zoller

Student journalists need to not only understand, but practice transparency. It’s not unusual for student journalists to want to take an ‘easy way out’ on a story and maybe use sources or materials that give them path of least resistance. Interviewing friends or colleagues in a club, sport or organization are not unheard of. Policy and procedure manuals should include a statement regarding transparency and any conflict of interest.

Resources: Fake or Fact? Seminar available via archived video

The 13th annual Poynter-Kent State University Media Ethics Workshop focused on fake news. Show your students panel discussions by accessing the archives. A lesson plan for scholastic students, created by Candace Bowen, also is available.


Want to know even more? See these links:

JEA statements on prior review (and definition of), photo manipulation, student free expression and more

Principal’s Guide to Scholastic Journalism

Newseum case studies

Ethics resources from The Poynter Institute

The Elements of Journalism, American Press Institute


JEA curriculum links:

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Always Mean You Should

Another Way to Examine Ethics: Red Light, Green Light

Making TUFF Decisions

When Journalists Must Navigate Ethical Situations

Exploring the Issues with Anonymous Sources

With Freedom of the Press Comes Great Responsibility

Protest Songs and the First Amendment

The Importance of Dissenting Voices

When Journalists Err Ethically

Ethical Guidelines and Procedure Statements: Creating the Foundation


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Student Expression Rights (What are they, exactly?)

Posted by on Aug 18, 2018 in Blog | 0 comments



Student Expression Rights (What are they, exactly?)


Students zero in on how the First Amendment protections apply to student speech, especially when it comes to walkouts, dress and publication related to protest.



  • Students will understand how the First Amendment was applied to students taking part in walkout protests in 2018.
  • Students will examine rules governing student expression in their own school.
  • Students will evaluate how students can and should conduct protests that are both legally and ethically sound.


Common Core State Standards

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.11-12.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.11-12.8 Delineate and evaluate the reasoning in seminal U.S. texts, including the application of constitutional principles and use of legal reasoning (e.g., in U.S. Supreme Court majority opinions and dissents) and the premises, purposes, and arguments in works of public advocacy (e.g., The Federalist, presidential addresses).
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.11-12.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.



50 minutes


Materials / resources

Student Handout (and answers):

Student Expression Rights Handout (Students):

Student Expression Rights Handout (Teacher Answers):


Article for Reading/Reference:

CNN article on Parkland walkout protests

Other Options for Reading/Reference if you Prefer More Explanation:

Vox article on walkout protests

Newseum article on walkout protests


Explainer articles for yourself or to make available to students, if you would like:

Student Press Law Center explainer on student protest rights

CNN article explaining student protest rights

First Amendment Center’s FAQ regarding student speech


Lesson step-by-step

Step 1 — Introduce Constitution Day and the lesson (2-5 minutes)

Pass out the handout and any article(s) you expect the students to be reading as a resource, and introduce the point of the lesson (something along the lines of the following: “Constitution Day celebrates the writing and signing of the United States Constitution, from which we get our system of government as well as our rights as citizens. We would especially like to zero in on our freedom of speech rights and what restrictions can or cannot be placed on students.”


Step 2 — Students read resources and answer front of handout (Part One) (15 minutes)

Students, either individually or in groups, read the article(s) distributed or linked by the teacher and respond to the questions on the front of the handout. You may provide the text (or a link) of the CNN story or one of the others from Vox or the Newseum, if you prefer (those articles include more direct instruction on student expression rights than the CNN one). You may also provide printouts (or links) to one or more of the student expression explainers from CNN, the Student Press Law Center, or the First Amendment Center or to information explaining expression/dress rules at your own school. Even without all these resources, students should be expected (either individually or in groups) to provide the best answer they can for each question, even if it is a bit of a guess.


Step 3 — Discuss answer for the front of handout (Part One) (10 minutes)

Go over answers (or possible answers) to each question in Part One. You may want to ask individual students or representatives from different student groups to provide their answers and then clarify or correct as necessary so that everyone is on the same page.


Step 4 — Students respond to scenario prompts on back of handout (Part Two) (10 minutes)

Students, either individually or in groups, turn the handout over and respond to the scenarios to the best of their ability (and using information learned from the front of the handout).


Step 5 — Review responses on back of handout (Part Two) (10 minutes)

Go over answers (or possible answers) to Part Two. It would be especially good in this section to have students (or student groups) share responses and discuss justifications and specifics with teacher guidance.


Step 6 — Students respond to final question (Part Three) (2-5 minutes) (Optional)

Depending on remaining time, quickly explain how ethical considerations are also important and ask students to provide a response to the final question (Part Three) as an exit slip or final response. These can be collected to discuss briefly in a future class or shared out before the end of this class period.



Student may benefit from small groups if they will have difficulty answering the questions on their own. Providing technology such as computers and/or Internet access may make it possible to link to multiple articles or even look up additional resources to help find answers.

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Constitution Day quiz competition

Posted by on Aug 18, 2018 in Blog | 0 comments



Constitution Day Quiz Competition


Have students compete (either individually or in groups) to demonstrate knowledge about the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights


• Students will demonstrate knowledge of the history and content of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
• Students will assess their own level of familiarity with the Constitution and its effects.
• Students will the priorities apparent in the Constitution to their own lives and beliefs.

Common Core State Standards

Delineate and evaluate the reasoning in seminal U.S. texts, including the application of constitutional principles and use of legal reasoning (e.g., in U.S. Supreme Court majority opinions and dissents) and the premises, purposes, and arguments in works of public advocacy (e.g., The Federalist, presidential addresses).


Analyze seventeenth-, eighteenth-, and nineteenth-century foundational U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (including The Declaration of Independence, the Preamble to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address) for their themes, purposes, and rhetorical features.

Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.


30-50 minutes

Materials / resources

Constitution Day Quiz (See these links for QUIZ and ANSWER sheet)
Constitution Day Quiz on Kahoot

Lesson step-by-step

Step 1 — Introduction and Set-Up (2-5 minutes)

Introduce the day and activity (For example: “Constitution Day is a federal observance celebrating the anniversary of the day the U.S. Constitution was signed. The law formalizing the observance in 2004 mandated that educational institutions provide information about the Constitution and its signing every Sept. 17.”).

Set up the activity with the materials necessary depending on what you plan to use. You may be handing out print-outs of the quiz for individuals or groups to answer, getting students into groups to answer questions read or displayed by the teacher, or getting students set up for the Kahoot version of the quiz.

Step 2 — Quiz/Competition (15-25 minutes)

Administer the questions/quiz. There are several options available for this:
Have students using devices to join the Kahoot quiz that you are also displaying using a screen and projector at the front of the classroom. Students will be seeing the correct answers and their progress as they go, but feel free to take some time to discuss answers missed by large numbers of students.

(or) Have students grouped into teams and responding to each question as they are read aloud by the teacher or projected on a screen. Groups may either write answers on whiteboards to all display at the same time or raise hands to compete for a chance to answer. Someone will also need to keep track of correct answers (or points) earned by each team.

(or) Have students answer the questions using a print-out of the quiz (either individually or in teams) within a certain time limit. Groups/student may then exchange papers to peer grade as the teacher shares the correct answers.

Step 3 — Recognition (2-5 minutes)

Try to cap off the competition with a simple prize of some kind for the winning students (maybe top 3 or so) or groups. Prizes could range from some small candy to extra points to some sort of small certificate to even just some words or recognition or applause.

Step 4 (optional) — Connection (5-10 minutes)

Finally, ask students to respond in writing to the following or similar prompt: What effect do you think the structure of our Constitution has had on our national character? What priorities do we seem to have, as Americans, and how have they impacted your own life?


The flexible nature of the lesson allows for quite a lot of differentiation. Students needing more assistance could be paired with students who can provide that assistance. If devices are lacking for the Kahoot, student could also be paired up to share technology use.


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Letter to editor

Posted by on Aug 18, 2018 in Blog | 0 comments


Write a Constitution Day Letter to the Editor

Use this assignment to have your students engage with your local newspaper to share their free expression experiences as a student in your school or community.


  • Students will explore the rights of the First Amendment and discern how it impacts their lives.
  • Students will engage in their community through the act of writing a letter to the editor of their local newspaper
  • Students will edit and proof each others work before final submission of a selected letter


Common Core State Standards


CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.2.B Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.2.E Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.3.A Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation and its significance, establishing one or multiple point(s) of view, and introducing a narrator and/or characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1-3 up to and including grades 11-12 here.)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.




2 class periods of 50 minutes


Materials / resources

Editorial pages explained from the Minneapolis Star Tribune

Letter to the Editor rubric


Lesson step-by-step

Step 1 — 10 minutes

Ask students to brainstorm in small groups of 2-3 what they know about their First Amendment rights and their application to their particular school.

(Encourage students to apply any previously learned court cases for this activity.)

Step 2 — 10 minutes

Ask student groups to share their brainstorm.

Step 3 — 30 minutes

After a discussion of how students in your school practice the First Amendment, introduce the following prompts to the students and ask them to choose one of them to write a 250-word letter. The Star Tribune published an annotated page detailing the purpose of the letters to the editor.

Prompt #1 In honor of Constitution Day, write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper that illustrates the benefits of your application of the First Amendment in your school. You may write this from the perspective of a journalist or as a student in general. Make sure you reference Constitution Day.

Prompt #2 In honor of Constitution Day, write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper which illustrates the what voices and viewpoints you would empower if you could exercise your First Amendment privileges more freely. Be careful not to make this an attack, focus on the power of your voice and what you could or should be doing with it. Make sure you reference Constitution Day.


Day 2

Step 1 — 50 minutes

On the second day, you as a teacher select at least 5 of the best letters and copy them for the students to assess in groups you select using the rubric attached. Each group should select the letter they believe is most convincing and/or representative of their school or community and make suggestions and revisions before the final. The letter with the most votes from different groups will be submitted by the student after final edits.


As a means of differentiating, students may do this activity in groups of 2-4 and may also use the time to facilitate generation of ideas to support one of the prompts.  A teacher may also add on a day before the assignment to brainstorm ideas to support either prompt for the whole class.

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Ways to celebrate Constitution Day 2018

Posted by on Aug 18, 2018 in Law and Ethics, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


The Scholastic Press Rights Committee is again excited to provide lesson plans and activities to help you celebrate Constitution Day and the First Amendment. Constitution Day recognized Sept. 17 each year, and we have a trove of new and archived lessons and activities to help you raise awareness of the First Amendment’s rights and applications for students.

Take a look at the new lessons:

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