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Proclaiming Scholastic Journalism Week


Looking for another way to support Scholastic Journalism Week?

Obtain a proclamation from your community officials about it and the importance of scholastic journalism.

Adviser Stan Zoller, Rolling Meadows High in Illinois, wrote this for his community. It would be easy to modify it to meet the requirements of your community:

Scholastic journalism has been a part of high school curriculums for decades and,

The goal of scholastic journalism programs across the nation is to enable young people to learn and practice the First Amendment by writing, editing and producing student publications and,

Research has shown that students who are trained in and practice journalism have a higher achievement level on standardized tests and college English classes, and,

Scholastic Journalists have been guided in the practice of journalism for more than two decades by the Illinois Journalism Education Association, and

February 20 – 26, 2011 has been designated Scholastic Journalism Week throughout the country, Now therefore, be it

RESOLVED that I (government official) and the (governing body) do hereby proclaim February 20 – 26, 2011 Scholastic Journalism Week in (municipality) and congratulate the Illinois Journalism Education Association for its work on behalf of scholastic journalists and their advisers.

Also, follow SJW on Twitter by using the hashtag #sjw2011.

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