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Links to important scholastic media court cases

Posted by on Sep 11, 2009 in Blog, Hazelwood, Legal issues, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


JEA members using the listserv this week were making a list of important scholastic media court cases. That list, or one like it, is on the Court cases page (see link at the top right of this page) – and with links to information about those cases.

We hope you will find these cases and links to them useful We also hope you will suggest other cases and links you found useful.

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Iowa anniversary marks 20 years of state law

Posted by on May 14, 2009 in Law and Ethics, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


In a year of anniversaries, 2009 seems to be special. Twenty years ago this week, notes Mark Goodman, Knight Chair of Scholastic Journalism at Kent State University, Iowa became the first state to not only pass a law drafted specifically in response to Hazelwood, but also the first to draft one from scratch.

For the history and educational perspective, go here.

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