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Support the Tinker Tour

Posted by on Apr 23, 2013 in Blog, Hazelwood, Law and Ethics, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


We are  happy to be able to post this info about the “Tinker Tour,” the dream that’s getting closer to reality for Mary Beth Tinker, of armband fame, and Mike Hiestand, formerly in Washington, D.C. with the Student Press Law Center and continuing to be a special project attorney for them.hazelwoodcolor

Both are dynamic speakers whom students love. (Full disclosure: Mary Beth was keynoter at the Ohio Scholastic Media Association state convention a few weeks ago, and it was so wonderful to see students this excited about free speech!)

Read on and see if there’s something you can do to bring them to YOUR state or city or school:

Go here and here for more information about the tour.

Go here to donate funds to the Tinker Tour.

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Noteworthy information 9: Who makes the decisions?

Posted by on Aug 27, 2010 in Blog, Law and Ethics, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


With scholastic journalism’s expansion into social media and use the latest bells and whistles involving multimedia, it is equally, if not more important, to be solid first in journalism basics. Four such basics are:

Leadership. The Center for Scholastic Journalism blog highlights a series of decisions students must make about the roles they perform with their media. Today’s focus is on leadership and raises several points about its importance and how student publications seem to have lost their interest in this crucial role. The JEA Press Rights Commission also addressed the leadership issue in a three part series in March.

Content. Leadership comes not only through student opinion on significant issues but also by providing audiences with substantive content that has long and short term impact on student lives. Offering interpretation and perspective adds depth to the content and can show that today’s events have roots in past decisions, and that others face similar issues. Answering the “why” and “how” questions often get overlooked in scholastic media.

Professional standards. From establishing a professional and consistent style to knowing law and ethics, following and practicing standards is crucial. Knowing and practicing legal and ethical guidelines serves not only student media but all those affected by it.

The Talk. Student Press Law Center consultant Mike Hiestand  writes that final decisions of the questions raised above – and all others –really rest with the students. “It is important to have a frank conversation with your students about the position in which you, as adviser, operate,” Hiestand writes. “You support them; you believe in them; you will always strive to do your best by them.”

Student media is just that: student. It is their publication. Their work and their decision-making.

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