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A process for developing editorial policies that mean something

Posted by on Oct 18, 2009 in Blog, Law and Ethics, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


Editorial policies are among the most important documents advisers and their students will create. Done correctly, they will protect you and your students, your administrators and your school system against unwanted legal issues.

The first educational mission for all schools:  To develop responsible citizens through enabling critical thinking and empowering student decision making.

Done incorrectly, policies will lead to such unwanted legal issues. Past experiences show sound policies are well worth the time and energy it takes to develop then.

Steps to develop policies include:

• Research

• Study

• Practice



  1. The SPLC for policy models and articles about them
  2. The Internet for sample school policies
  3. The Internet for articles of the value of publications or editorial policies
  4. Provided links and articles from JEA’s Press Rights Commission, including JEA Model Policy and others
  5. Research data and academic studies for research into editorial policies
  6. Specific administration organization Web sites
  7. Search terms can include:

• Editorial policies
• Publications policies
• Staff policies

  1. Conduct interviews with those have are familiar with sound policies and those who have had issues with weaker ones. Some of the stronger policies can be found here .


  1. Examine gathered material. What makes policies acceptable? Unacceptable?
  2. Based on readings or examination of  a PowerPoint included on editorial policies, what topics or concepts need to be included in acceptable policies? Which ones should be avoided?
  3. Compile arguments for and against concepts and specific wording
  4. Evaluate selected points for strengths and weaknesses
  5. Outline acceptable policy sections and points. Reference models your work should be based on
  6. Evaluate your outline in separate groups and set up a process to complete the next steps


  1. Evaluate a draft policy for effectiveness and completeness
  2. Compare your draft policy with other student media policies
  3. Identify and communicate with scholastic media experts and legal experts about the effectiveness of the draft.

This process is a good start in the creation of or adaption of effective policies.

Journalism provides us with something unique to a culture – independent, reliable, accurate and comprehensive information that citizens require to be free. Anything else – from review to censorship – subverts democratic culture.

The Elements of Journalism
Kovach and Rosenstiel

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Social networking policies: Getting ahead of the curve

Posted by on Oct 6, 2009 in Blog, Law and Ethics, News, Scholastic Journalism, Teaching | 0 comments


By Russell Hickey

When the Washington Post recently announced new rules for the use of social media by editors and staff, it was met with some criticism.  Last week, Howard Kurtz chronicled the reactions – both negative and positive.

The full-text announcement sent to the Post staff was reprinted by paidContent.

The policy behind the guidelines is understandable – journalists should remember that they are always journalists and should do nothing that would undermine their credibility or question their impartiality.  Unfortunately, social networking sites, like Twitter, are prone off-the-cuff, spur-of-the moment, out-of-context remarks.  Even following or friending certain people or organizations could suggest a bias that can undermine a reporter.

For the high school journalism student, the consequences of social networking sites may not be top of mind.  This could have dire consequences if an administrator is looking for a reason to reign in control of a high school publication.

To be certain, non-school sponsored social networking sites are outside the reach of school administrators.  Careless use of social networking sites by newspaper editors and staff, however, could provide ammunition for administrators seeking reason for prior review.  Thus, it is critical for student press advisors to get ahead of the curve and help encourage students to use some foresight.

The Student Press Law Center’s “Guide to Hazelwood” offers a “Fighting censorship checklist.”  The first item on the checklist is to practice sound journalism – which includes avoiding any appearance of bias.

It behooves students and advisers to think through these issues and potentially adverse impact that careless use of social media could have on their student publication.  A well-thought out policy for the use of social networking sites by newspaper editors and staff can be a critical demonstration of credibility.

Russell has a Bachelor’s of Journalism from the University of Missouri and a Juris Doctor from the University of Kansas, where he completed the Media, Law and Policy Certificate Program.  He currently is a Senior Claims Specialist for AXIS Pro, a Errors & Omissions Insurance provider for media companies.

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Fighting off prior review

Posted by on Oct 5, 2009 in News | 0 comments


With examples of administrator censorship running rampant around the country, I thought it might be informative and helpful for other teachers, who may run into similar situations, to speak with a teacher who just successfully fought off censorship from the higher-ups at her school.

Konnie Krislock has been teaching journalism since the late 1960s and has been the adviser of the Evolution at the Orange County High School of the Arts since it began publishing in May 2006. The Evolution’s first issue of the year featured a couple of stories its administration found objectionable.

How Krislock handled the situation provides a pretty good template for how to handle censorship, particularly in a state that has anti-Hazelwood protections.

According to Krislock, the Evolution was able to get coverage in a major metro, the Orange County Register, as well as quick feeback from the SPLC. Krislock was able to use friends at Cal State Fullerton, a major state organization (CNPA) as well as enlist the office of a prominent state politician – state senator Leland Yee – to help her get word out and fight the administration’s attempted censorship. As I’ve found in my five years as an adviser, if administrator’s hate anything, it is bad press and people calling the school complaining about damn near anything.

“Get the word out about what is happening to people in the know,” Krislock said. “I really know everyone and this got covered fast and well. It didn’t hurt that my EIC had been a summer intern with the OCRegister and that the writer realized he knew her. I also know Cal State Fullerton’s communications dean (I used to teach adjunct there) and belong to CNPA, whose lawyer was a resource. I would tell everyone to get connected.”

Most interesting, and appalling, to me was the reaction of Krislock’s students to the situation. If you’ve ever taught in a school where this sort of censorship is permissible, it has a particularly pernicious effect on students.

“They were scared,” Krislock said. “Most said they were less likely to take assignments on Evolution after the grilling the editors got from administrators. Everyone was intimidated. Just today my editor started to shy away from a story on swine flu because she said ‘we’ve done enough controversy right now.'”

While administrators often intend to block some sort of news they find will draw unwanted attention to their school, crushing student enthusiasm and creativity for their work on the newspaper is the unwanted result. What advisers must do is work to counteract the effect the administration’s intrusion might have. Fortunately for the students at OCHSA, they’ve got one who’s willing to do the heavy lifting.

“I believe this is the ONE high school subject that teaches student everything they need to know about life,” Krislock said. “My quote in the SPLC article is totally accurate. This is my life’s passion: my adoration of high school students and their RIGHT to express themselves and their ideas in a public forum with an adviser who is knowledgeable and who cares about them and their opinions.”

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