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Today’s the day


Today’s the day a group of Student Partners will meet face to face for the first time.

Today they will meet students and advisers at a booth in the Portland Convention Center and begin to connect in person with students just like them, working hard at their schools around the country to tell important stories and produce the best publications possible.

Today they will share their passion for the First Amendment through various 45words initiatives and will invite others to do the same by recording statements at the booth. They will distribute materials to share their new Editor’s Emergency Kit, a wonderful set of resources they created for editors. They will speak at the pre-convention leadership seminar, introducing themselves and offering their help and leadership with First Amendment awareness as well as support and guidance in times of conflict or censorship from administrators.

Today is just the beginning for the Student Partners group, with activities this week in Portland at the JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention. If you’re here, please stop by the booth and see how you can be involved. Advisers, share the information with your students — this group is for them, about them. Encourage your students to join the Facebook group 45words and follow their efforts on Twitter .

Today is just the beginning.

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